Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Treadmill Tip & Scavenger Run Reminder

Just a quick reminder that the Endure It Scavenger Run will take place tomorrow night (Thursday) at 6:30 p.m. leaving from Endure It Life in downtown Naperville.  There is plenty of parking in the parking garages downtown, and the weather is going to be great (at least that's what I'm going to say now) so there are no excuses to skip this one!  Grab a friend or four and make your way down to the scavenger run.  Rumor has it there may be some festivities at a local establishment post-run as well.

Running on a treadmill can be brutally boring, but at the same time it can be effective and quite structured.  When you're looking to pass the time a little quicker try this treadmill workout, the miles click off quickly and you can learn how to "recover" at a higher pace.

Warm-Up: 1-2 miles Easy
Main Set: .25 miles at a "recovery pace" (this pace could be a planned marathon or half marathon pace if you want)
.25 miles at .1 mph faster than your "recovery" pace (this was the pace directly before)
.25 miles at your "recovery pace"
.25 miles at .2 mph faster than your "recovery pace" (wow look a mile is already done!)
**Repeat this workout for 2-5 miles, realize you'll get to a point where you're really moving**
Cool Down: 1 mile easy

This is a great way to change things up, and it helps to make the time go by quicker.  Another thing you could do to change this particular workout up is to change to .5 mile segments, or you can go by time as well.  Whatever you would like, just stay active!!

Here are a few more pics from IMWI to share.

He completed the whole run in his fireman gear in honor of 9-11

The lead car on the bike

Some of the Endure It Crew on Old Sauk Pass

AJ lookin strong

Dan's making it look easy

He hurdled that barrier behind him for an extra challenge

AJ once again

I think this is the only picture I have seen of Leen where she isn't smiling!

Train hard, Race smart, No regrets!

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