Friday, January 21, 2011

Another Swim Workout of the Week

Thanks to some Endure It athletes we have our first athlete submitted workout of the week, keep these coming!!

Warm up:

250 swim
250 pull
250 kick
5 - 50s swim easy/swim medium/drill/swim fast/swim easy

Main set:
3 - 300s (300 swim hard/300 pull hard/300 swim hard)
100 easy
9 - 100s (100 swim hard, 100 pull hard, 100 kick hard) on the 1:45 (repeat 3 x's)

Cool down:
100 easy cool down

Total - 3000 yards

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Second Workout of the Week for 2011

Crazy to think we're 2 weeks into the New Year already, and we hope you're year is off to a great start and that training is going well.  Here is a swim workout for you to help mix things up:

Warm Up:

300 swim
100 choice
100 kick

Main Set:
100 swim w/ 10 seconds rest after (25 easy, 25 hard)
200 swim w/ 15 seconds rest after (50 easy, 50 hard)
300 swim w/ 20 seonds rest after (50 easy, 50 hard, 50 choice of stroke)
400 swim w/ 25 seconds rest after (100 easy, 100 hard)
500 swim w/ 30 seconds rest after (race pace)
400 swim w/ 25 seconds rest after (100 hard, 100 easy)
300 swim w/ 20 seconds rest after (50 hard, 50 easy, 50 choice of stroke)
200 swim w/ 15 seconds rest after (50 hard, 50 easy)
100 swim w/ 10 seconds rest after (25 hard, 25 easy)

Cool Down:

200 (50 swim, 50 choice)

Total Distance - 3200 yards


Friday, January 7, 2011

The First Workout of the Week in 2011

Happy New Year!  This workout of the week is coming a little bit late, but better late than never right?  Since it is January I think it's safe to say we are officially transitioning from "off-season" to "pre-season" types of workouts.  The "long run" is something that endurance athletes like to get into their weekly workouts and sometimes it can be boring to just go out and plug along.  Below is not necessarily a "long run" but a "progressive run" which can be a nice substitute at this point in the season.

The workout:

15-20 minutes of easy jogging to warm up.  After your warm up, pick a pace that you can easily hold for the duration of your run, and by easy it should be a "conversational" pace.  Run the first mile (after your warm up) at this "conversational" pace.  Each mile after pick up the pace between 5-10 seconds per mile.  You will notice that to pick up the pace ever so slightly won't take a huge toll because it is a gradual increase in speed.  This is a great workout for runs between 4-12 miles.  One of the nice things is that you finish strong, which is the goal in every race!  Make sure you take the time for a proper warm down of 10 minutes towards.

**If you're distance is not as far you can always change the pace every half mile to better fit your workout**

Train hard and train safe!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Coming Soon to a Kick Ass Shop Near You

...if you live in the Chicagoland area that is. Coming this Spring check out the latest in the Endure It cycling gear by Capo Forma.