Saturday, November 23, 2013

Ironman Club Challenge

This past race season Ironman introduced the Inaugural Ironman Triathlon Club competition.  Triathlon clubs from across the country competed against one another in a points based system.  Clubs were placed into five divisions based on the number of active club members.  Next year the club competition is going global, allowing us to compete against clubs from around the world!

Points are accumulated by race performance and participation (Age Group Ranking points) Volunteering (1,000 pts. per race) IRONMAN Foundation (1,000 pts. per athlete) IRONKIDS athletes (triathlon and running races- 250 pts. per athlete) Iron Girl Races (750 pts. per athlete) Bonus points are awarded for athletes who participate in any of the 8 Regional Championships. Bonus points are awarded to athletes who qualify for and race in either the IRONMAN World Championship or the IRONMAN 70.3 World Championship.

The 2014 Ironman season has three races left (IM Cozumel, IM Western Australia, IM 70.3 Canberra).  Endure It! is currently sitting in 3rd place. The first page of the DIII results are pictured below.  Unless the Saltlake Tri Club is sending all of its members to Western Australia in December we might be looking at a top 5 finish.

If at the end of the calendar year your club is ranked in the Top 5 in your Division, you reach the IRONMAN TriClub Podium and earn the following prizes:
1)      Two FREE 70.3 entries to the race of your choice
2)      Early entry for up to 50 athletes for the race of your choice open 2014 races or 2015 races (Not including the World Championships)
3)      4 VIP passes for the race of your choice (Not including the World Championships)
4)      A champions patch that can be placed on your kits, websites, facebook pages, tents, etc.

If you're an Endure It! Club member and have yet to register with Ironman under Endure It! you can do so HERE - Make sure your points count!  

Should we place top 5, we will award prizes at a club meeting once official results are posted.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013



Register Now - The best time slots fill up fast

For more info and to register click HERE 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Photo by Adam Pretty
How is your swim form?  The 'off season' is the perfect time to work on your form and technique across all three sports.  Optimizing your swim stroke will help you efficiently slice through the water and will pay dividends once volume begins to ramp up. Above is about as good as it gets.

Schedule a swim stroke analysis with David this Winter.

Visit our Home Page HERE

Sunday, November 10, 2013

P5 - Final Fit @ Endure It!

Get your bike fit dialed in this off season.
Stay tuned for more info on our tri and road fit process.