Monday, October 31, 2011

How to Set Up for Computrainer Class & Reminders

With the new computrainer season upon us it's important to remember a few things when setting up your bike on the computrainer.  Erik was kind enough to make us a couple of YouTube videos to help out.

Computrainer has been off to a good start so far.  Remember if you're not a MAP member you'll need to have a punch card starting tomorrow.

Upcoming Events

November 3 - Club Meeting @ Willowbrook - 7:00 p.m.
**Topic - Coach Sara Fix on completing 4 Ironman races in 14 months...and improving upon each one, USANA Representative on supplementation for endurance athletes, and free chair massages (first come first serve)

November 16 - Club Meeting @ Naperville - 7:00 p.m.
**Topic - Newton Natural Running Clinic

November 24 - Naperville Turkey Trot - Meet @ Endure It Sports Naperville at 6:45 a.m.


Friday, October 28, 2011

An Endure It Product Highlight - Cervelo S5 & Computrainer Reminder

I'm pretty sure that the number of bikes you should own are what ever number you have plus one.  If you're looking for that "plus one" (and not the wedding type of plus one, although you may have more fun with this bike than you will with some wedding dates) look no further than the new Cervelo S5.

The New Cervelo S5 Rival

Clean Lines

Why don't you have one yet??

Shown above is the S5 Rival which retails for $3800.  Cervelo is always on the cutting edge with their technology and engineering.  They are offering the new S5 at various price points which range from $3800 for the S5 Rival (pictured above) to $9000 for the S5 VWD Dura Ace DI2 Model (please be patient if we do not have all of the models in stock).  There are also other models which fit in between.  Shouldn't you be on the bike that Thor won a number of races on this past year?

This bike is not strictly for "roadies" or "tri-geeks" but has various options for how you can set it up, both super aggressive or more relaxed depending on your bike fit.  These bikes will start to sell quickly, and wouldn't this be a great holiday gift to yourself?  You deserve it!

For technical information on the various specs of S5's offered check out the Cervelo site here

If you have further questions about the S5 stop in to the Naperville store and check it out for yourself.  You won't be disappointed.

Just a quick reminder that Endure It Computrainer classes are free through Monday.  You don't want to miss out on what is already shaping up to be our best computrainer season ever.  Our athletes are working hard already, and gaining fitness and efficiency each and every session.  For more information about computrainer classes either call the store 630-323-6844 or email us at

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Few Computrainer Tips & Testing Dates

We're into our second full week of computrainer classes and classes are going great.  Everyone seems to be motivated and is putting in some solid base work.  Since we have started up again here are a few tips and things you might want to remember as we go through the classes:
  • The power numbers you were putting out last year are probably higher than where you are right now.  This is totally fine, we typically expect about a 10% decrease in power right now from where you were when you stopped riding computrainer in the spring.  With that said, everyone is different, so please don't get discouraged if you're not hitting numbers that used to be easy.  Your numbers will come back, and we hope improve!
  • It's October!  We are working on "base building" right now.  These base training miles are critical to your training for a couple of reasons.  If you don't have a base to build off of, you can risk injuries later in the season when we are putting forth some more difficult efforts.  We know people don't like to do "easier" types of workouts, and we're trying to mix things up so that we can make this base training fun.  If you are a triathlete who is training for a longer distance (half ironman to ironman)  odds are you're "racing pace" will be around the percentages that we're putting out right now.  If you think you're going to be pushing many more watts you might want to think twice...remember you have a long run to do too!
  • EFFICIENCY.  I can't stress that enough, now is the time to work on your pedal stroke, to improve your cadence, maybe even to get refit on your bike.  If you become a more efficient rider that will pay off huge come race season.  I have seen a lot of people bouncing around on their bike looking for power at times.  You DON'T need to do that, all you're doing is wasting energy that could be used to go faster.  Really try to focus on your efficiency throughout classes, if you have questions about it, ask your coaches.  When you watch them ride they aren't swaying side to side and moving all over the bike (even when they stand they are in a comfortable rhythm which is efficient).
  • Cadence is extremely important as well.  We all have a natural cadence, something we feel comfortable with.  If that cadence is below 90 (especially for triathletes) we should really work on improving that.  Elite coaches and athletest have shared that the "ideal" run cadence is around 90...and they also shared that if you're riding at a cadence which is similar, running will come more naturally.

We have fielded many questions about the threshold testing dates.  So instead of just springing it upon you here is our tentative plan:

November 14-18
February 6-10
April 23-27

Like I said those are tentative dates, and we just wanted to make sure everyone knew ahead of time what that schedule looked like.  We have a few people signed up for our November Bike Challenge...but we're always looking for more, so if you want to join us on what is sure to be a fun time email us at

I mean do you really want to miss out on all of this fun??
Byers and Gibson dropping the hammer on those guys...

The infamous Richier Bro's...Dave Jansen and is that Glen Marino rockin out there?

That just looks painful...but in a fun way I suppose

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A November Challenge

I know it's the off season and all...and we want to make sure you don't look like this cycling fanatic...

So with the kick off of the new computrainer season the infamous Chad "I can hammer out a 25 fly in the pool like no other" Beert had an awesome idea for a November Challenge.  This challenge will be quite simple. 

Ride for 25 hours in the month of November.  The challenge starts November 1 and ends November 30.  It's not even an hour a day, and if you ride on the computrainer at Endure It 3 times a week that's already 12+ hours done right there.  Just think when you're done you might be able to hammer away with these guys.

Not to be confused with David Fix...notice the lack of hair this guy has, and the small calves?

So who's in? Shoot us an email at and we'll get you on the list of people for Endure It's first monthly challenge. Winners get high fives, sport taps, and a sense of accomplishment which can't compare to that of setting a PR (you'll get much less of a sense of accomplishment from this). Not to worry if you don't want to join us here, we will only think slightly less of you than we had before, and you'll have a chance to redeem yourself in December with the December Running Challenge.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Endure It Club November Meetings and Events

November 3, 2011 - Club Meeting @ 7:00 pm Willowbrook

Please join us for our next club meeting on November 3rd at 7:00pm in Willowbrook.  This is an additional club meeting that wasn't originally on the schedule, but will be a great resource for all.  Sara Fix will be speaking about how she succcesfully completed four Ironmans in 13 months improving upon each one. Sara will speak briefly on tips regarding recovery, training, and life management. Other "Sara" resources will be Julie Hood of USANA Health Sciences and Massage therapist Anna Rosinia. Julie will discuss supplements for endurance athletes and how a specific program may be designed for you. Anna will be on hand providing complimentary chair massages (first come first serve).

November 16, 2011 - Club Meeting @ 7:00 pm Naperville

        **Endure It Sports Welcomes Newton Running to our second club meeting in November**

Also the previously scheduled club meeting which was to take place on November 16th will still be taking place, however the location will be changed to the Endure It Sports store in NAPERVILLE.  We will be having Justin Dyszelski from Newton Running presenting a Newton Natural Running Symposium. 

Topics to include:
Fundamentals of Bio mechanics
The Science Behind Newton Running Shoes
Injury Prevention

Justin is an accomplished triathlete, Kona finisher and passionate about running.  He is in the Chicago area frequently and is excited to have the opportunity to work with our athletes at Endure It.  He will have various Newton shoes to demo (though they will NOT be for sale).  Please plan on attending and wear comfortable clothes as we will be much more active at this meeting due to the fact that this will be a running clinic.

Endure It Club Event - Naperville Turkey Trot

Come join your fellow club members on Thanksgiving morning at the Naperville Turkey Trot.  You can click the following link to register:

Since the "trot" starts at 8, we were planning on meeting up at the Endure It Sports store in Naperville between 6:30 and 7:00 a.m. for some coffee and GU Brew before heading down to the start as a group.  Feel free to bring your family and friends as well.  Why not feel a little less guilty about stuffing yourself with turkey later in the day by starting it off with a run?  If you plan on joining us please shoot us an email at and let us know how many people you will be bringing.

Registration for the run is only $30 until November 16th, then it goes up to $35...this is a large event to register early!

2011-2012 Computrainer Season "On Your Left"

On Your Left from SimplyConnected on Vimeo.

Reminder -Please take advantage of the FREE OCTOBER classes!

Also, November MAP payment is due Oct. 25th. Endure it! is looking to provide it's best season ever!

**PLEASE follow us on facebook more up to date product pics/video/ and club updates.

Friday, October 21, 2011

A Masters Swimming Opportunity and Discount

You would think the Fix kids would be able to swim fast enough for this NOT to happen...

This only happened because he was swimming backstroke...ask Andrew about his butterfly, he claims to take 2nd in every race.

And Charlie can probably out swim me...he's catching up on the run too.  (Sorry Olivia I didn't have a picture of you getting bit by the fish in the lobby...and go figure Sara is on her phone in the background)

One of the best ways to improve upon your swimming is to join a masters group.  For many of us (trust me I'm included in this group) swimming is not our strong suit and it's difficult in the winter months to get motivated to jump into a cold pool.  There have been a group of us that have been swimming with the masters team out of Naperville North on Tuesday and Thursday nights, Saturday mornings, and Sunday afternoons.  This is a great program coached by Sue Welker and truly a great group of people to swim with.  This group is not set up through Endure It, however, if you are an Endure It club member we have been extended a 10% discount.  Please email Rick ( if you're interested in this discount or joining the group.  It is much more motivating to swim with a group of people, and ALL ability levels are welcome!!!

I mean come on, how are you going to get here...

Dig Me Beach...the Ironman Hawaii Swim Start

...without putting the work in?

Tomorrow is our first Saturday of Computrainer classes, make sure you take advantage of these excellent training opportunities!  Come next season, you won't regret the work you put it!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Thursday Trainer Workout

As the daylight dwindles and the leaves fall we all know that we're in for the start of indoor riding season.  I know there are many people trying to fight it, but it's going to happen sooner or later.  Time on the trainer can be quite boring, I know, my last 100 mile ride prior to Ironman was on the trainer...nothing like 5 hours in your living room watching television to pass the time right? 

Riding indoors doesn't have to be a drag.  I think it's quite important!  Many people are taking part in computrainer classes, which is wonderful.  If you haven't been, make sure to check one out in October...they are free for this month only!!

If you're looking to spice up your trainer ride here are a few tips (make sure to warm up before doing these workouts):
  • A Gearing Pyramid - Start near the top of your cassette and drop a gear every 5 minutes (or 10 depending on time) until you're down at the bottom of your cassette...and then ride back up it.
  • Television Tempo -  Ride at a "tempo" type of a pace during the show you're watching and rest on the commercials. 
    • Another television option could be to ride HARD during the commercials and stay aerobic during your shows.
  • Single Leg Pedaling Drills - to split up the riding throw these drills in to help your efficiency.
  • Position Changes - If you're on a road bike ride 5 minutes in the drops, 5 minutes on the hoods, and 5 minutes of your choice...repeat!  With a Tri-Bike go 5 in aero, 5 on the bull horns, and 5 sitting up on the pads...repeat!
Remember to get signed up for Computrainer classes!!  They do make a huge difference come race season, and besides look what you might see when you leave.

Who wouldn't want to leave Computrainer to this sunrise?

Those are just a few tips to help pass the time.  If you have any workouts you like to do go ahead and forward them on to Rick ( and we'll get them posted here.  What else would you like information, or tips about?  We'd also love to hear your feedback about the blog.  Is it good, bad, do you want more of something, less of something...let us know!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Computrainer Season Is Here!!

It's hard to believe I know, but the 2011-2012 Endure It Computrainer Season is upon us.  The first class of the season is taking place right now...are you there?  Well you should be!  The month of October is free, I mean what more incentive do you need?  If you have questions about Computrainer, how the training is set up, what the cost is, when the classes are please let us know ( 

We hope to see you in the store!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Endure It Ride n Tie

Thank you everyone who came out to this mornings "Ride n Tie" at Waterfall Glen.  I think it's pretty safe to say we all had a great time, and it was a beautiful morning to do something fun outdoors.  This is our second event in the past month and we really have to thank everyone for coming out.  I'm pretty sure no one has regretted it thus far, and there are definitely more in the works.  We really do have some amazing people at Endure It, so if you're not sure about coming out please do, you'll be glad you did.  Here are a few shots from the day today.

The pre-race discussions taking place...

Go figure Glen is late

Bird and Tad rockin out (sorry about the blurry shot it is freezing here, lets go back to Hawaii)

Post Race...Yea yea yea we all know you could have been faster

Is Dean ever not talking??

Bird wants you!

Tad on a recon mission for Glen, he's late again...

Parking lot pimpin

Yea, not sure what that is...

Friday, October 14, 2011

Ride & Tie, Rockin' Video, Kona Wrap Up

It's been a while since we've updated here.  I apologize I lost the internet connection in Kona and really didn't feel like venturing out with a computer to find a new one.  So we'll try to play catch up here.

Join Endure It tomorrow for our

 "Ride & Tie" at Waterfall Glen which will take place at 7:00 a.m. 

The Ride & Tie will be a fun event where you and a partner "leap frog" each other around the 9.5 mile crushed limestone loop.  One person starts on the bike, the other on the run.  The teammate on the bike drops it at a certain location on the trail (location of your choice) and then continues by running.  When the teammate who started running gets to the bike (which remember has been left on the side of the trail) they get on the bike and continue continue to go back and forth until you finish TOGETHER.  This really is a fun event and a way to do something a little different. Who knows maybe there will even be a group who will get together after for a Team Endure It breakfast.

Have you checked out our new video from the Facebook page?  Not on Facebook?  Here it is...pretty sweet:

On Your Left from SimplyConnected on Vimeo.


Well the 2011 Ironman World Championship is in the books.  Endure It had a great time in Kona, and our athletes were tremendous! 

Endure It Rockstar Coach Mary Tobiason made it look easy with an 11:38:02, congratulations Mary on an incredible performance!

The Real Brains Behind Endure It Sara Fix crushed Kona in an incredible time of 11:10:34!  Congratulations Sara for your fastest Kona time ever!!

And Endure It Coach Rick Lapinski rounded out the crew with a time of 9:34:49.

We have to send out a special thanks to all of the Endure It Nation who made the trip out to the big island to cheer us on.  It really is incredible when you're at the turn around in Hawi and people are cheering for you, calling you by name...because they actually know you.  Endure It had an incredible presence in Kona, and again THANK YOU!!

Check out Bird rocking the Queen K near town:

To wrap up here are a few pics documenting that amazing day.

Before the Start...

And the tension builds...

The Hang Loose just outside of Waikaloa

Scott Rigsby, double leg amputee and Multiple Kona Finisher

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ironman Hawaii - Day 4 - The Underwear Edition

Today was the infamous Underwear Run here in Kona.  It was ROCKIN!  Hard bodies, funny costumes and an all around great time.

The start area of the Underwear Run

2 of the 3 Lapinski's

Ann Wesling of Tri-Center

Wattie Ink...Rock the W

Not a bad view...

The Wattie Ink Girls

Charlie and Andrew stopping for a quick pic

The Lavato's

Fix kids & Lavato's a great combo

Two more nights to sleep before the big show.  Let's get ready to roll here!

Ironman Hawaii - Day 3

We're only waiting on a couple more people and the Endure It crew will be complete!  Today most of the posse headed up to chill at the Mariott and I'm sure had a great time.  Here are a few pics from around Kona today.

The entrance to the Energy Lab

Monster Solar Panels

The first mile into the Energy Lab is downhill...and fast!

Bird chillin near Dig Me Beach

The cruise ship in town today.

Tomorrow is the infamous "Underwear Run" we'll try to get some solid pictures of Endure It in full force there.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ironman Hawaii - Day 2

Kona is getting much more crowded.  Day 2 was a solid day of swimming and biking.  We didn't take to the run course, but tomorrow plan on doing some recon in the infamous energy lab.  Pictures are taking forever to load, but here are a few shots of the day.

Bird cramming down some breakfast before hitting up the Queen K

Rick and Sara getting ready for a ride on the Queen K

Sara and Bird on the Queen K

Liz out hammering the Queen K

We need some of these signs on Schlapp right?

Rick and Sara after the Parade of found respect for Mexico

Most of the Endure It Crew is here, we had a great dinner at the Fix's house tonight and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.  We'll try to get more pictures of the whole crew out here.  One day closer to the big show!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Ironman Hawaii - Day 1

Some of the Endure It crew has been here a few days, some of us arrived yesterday, and more today.  We're about to take the island by storm.  Things here are amazing, and we had a great day of training.  This place is full of energy and we are loving every minute of it!

Dig Me Beach

A shot looking out at the swim course

Sara in Hawi
(she might be part camel...I drank 2 bottles she hadn't touched hers yet)

Yep making friends with the locals

The winds coming out of Hawi were crazy, they came from the left, right, front and back...all within 2 joke!!! 

On our drive back from Hawi we saw a super tan guy rockin a Specialized I say, that's Macca.  Not to worry David pulled over waited and we snapped this picture.

Macca on the Queen K

All is awesome from the Big Island!