Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Staying Consistent & A Holiday Party Preview

One of my college roommates used to always say "Kids need consistency"...I believe that goes much beyond just kids.  We are in that time of year where it might be easy to put off a workout until later in the day, or shorten it, or just skip it.  But the bottom line is the more consistent you are the more successful you'll be.  Have you ever thought back to a workout and wished you hadn't completed it?  I mean unless something catastrophic happened (which we hope didn't) I can't imagine that you would.  So as the hustle and bustle of the holidays increases here make sure you try to stay as consistent as you can!  Get in the water...get on your bike...keep trucking along with the running challenge!

Oh yea, and you should come to the Holiday Party on Thursday night at Blackfinn...and here is why...

Endure It Holiday Party Promo 2011
by: EndureIt

Make sure you email us at endureitclub@gmail.com to let us know if you plan on attending.

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